Thursday, April 26, 2012


I had another opportunity to volunteer in McNamara Elementary once again. It brings to me melancholoy to know that the time to stop volunteering is almost here, but at the same time I'm glad I got to see the students once again. On Tuesday, there was an activity going on in the elementary called "Dare to Dream", which is a program to help boost the students' self-esteem and put an end to bullying. The students were making posters for the program and we helped out. They explained to us what the posters were about and they seemed really excited because they were presenting the topic to us. One of the students that was there was very energetic and then later she told me that she had ADHD. I kinda figured it out at first because she was very talkative and had a lot of ideas in mind. When she was talking to me, I knew she was glad that someone was actually listening to her and I was happy to know that I was the reason for her smile. While helping the students, we also got the chance to talk more to them and they made me laugh a lot with their stories. The students made my day because they made me have a great time and I also noticed how well they respect one another. It is really fascinating how students their age treat one another with respect and this makes me realize that they are setting an example for everyone. I feel really comfortable around them because as they learn from me, I also learn from them.

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